Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Healt care - Naturally Fall Asleep

             Start Sleeping with Ease

Relaxed, peaceful sleep is as important to your health and productivity as food. If you aren't getting at least seven hours of sleep every night, you're not promoting optimal health and well-being. You just don't perform as well, the next day. Frankly, you'll just plain be grouchy. Melatrol Natural Sleep Aid is made with Melatonin and other natural ingredients. Melatonin works with your own body to support its natural sleep cycle It's combined with natural herbs to encourage relaxation.

        Melatrol helps with occasional 

Everyone has nights when they just can't get to sleep. Then, there are those nights when you fall asleep, but wake up a few hours later and can't get back to sleep, no matter what. You'll love Melatrol for its gentle support. Melatrol lets you relax, put your cares away until tomorrow, and love your pillow again. Your partner will love you for being peaceful in bed rather than tossing and turning all night.
With Melatrol, you won't have that dull, "hung-over" feeling the next day. Instead, you'll wake up feeling refreshed and rested. As your body re-establishes its natural sleep cycle, you'll find you can sleep more easily. You won't become addicted to Melatrol in order to get to sleep.

                                             MORE INFO HERE

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Health care - nail fungus problem solved with Zeta Clear

ZetaClear ingredients have a long history as an anti-fungal drug and prevent the growth and reproduction of fungus cells. ZetaClear uses a natural fungicide and is FDA approved in over-the-counter medications for fungus disorders and problems. ZetaClear in clinical studies has been shown to be approximately six times more effective than any other anti-fungal product on the market using caprylic acid and is also effective in maintaining a healthy balance.

ZetaClear is FDA Approved to prevent the growth and reproduction of fungus by inhibiting the growth of fungus cells. With your purchase of doctor recommended ZetaClear Liquid, you have chosen a highly effective and remarkably convenient treatment for common fungus infection of the finger and toe areas including on skin around and adjacent to nails and under nail tips where reachable with the ZetaClear applicator brush. ZetaClear’s convenient applicator brush allows for a controlled, targeted application so medicine may be applied directly and neatly to the site of infection. With ZetaClear your fingers and toes need never touch affected areas. ZetaClear Liquid dries fast without messy residue or unpleasant medicinal odor.
                                          GET YOUR ORDER HERE

Health care - Burn fat with Green Coffee Bean Max

Add Green Coffee Bean Max to your weight loss program. This product helps you reach your weight loss goals when combined with our comprehensive diet and exercise program.

The Green Coffee Weight Loss Program is combined with an exciting new breakthrough ingredient that comes with a complete online comprehensive diet and weight loss program to help you lose weight. Combined with a sensible food program, exercise routine, and drinking plenty of water, the program will help you to regain your slim body easier and faster.

                  *      MADE FROM 100% PURE GREEN COFFEE BEANS
                  *      EACH SERVING CONTAINS 800 MG
                  *      SAFE TO USE
                  *      NO ADDITIVES 

                                              CLICK HERE

Health care - regrow lost hair

      Would You Like to Regain Your Thick, Strong, and
              Beautiful Hair Effortlessly and Quickly?

  Our FDA-Approved Formula & All-Natural Supplement 
            Have Everything Your Hair Needs to Grow 
                               Fuller & Longer

          The Tried-and-True 
          Provillus Formula

Hair Loss, Damaged Hair, Thinning Roots, and Weak Follicles are all symptoms of completely different causes.

So why would any company focus on just one thing, when we need to fix all FOUR to get truly beautiful, full, and strong hair? Our unique patented formula includes: Minoxidil for fuller, faster-growing hair. Biotin, for healthier strands and stronger follicles. And a proprietary blend to maintain complete and proper hair growth function.

We LOADED our system with the world’s best ingredients because we knew it was the only way to deliver the results you’re looking for. 

                                          CLICK HERE

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Health care - boost your immunity

                       A guide to boosting your immunity

Some people only sometimes, and some very often get into a state of low immunity. For some people, it is enough to be on a slightly stronger wind stream and they already have a cold. Immunity keeps us from getting sick, so by raising our immunity we also increase the likelihood of staying healthy.
I have written for you a list with ten recommendations for boosting immunity. These are very effective methods, but it is not necessary to apply them all. Just choose the 3 methods that are easiest for you to follow and stick with them. Good results will not be missed.

1. Drink lemon juice
I'm not just saying this because of vitamin C. Of course, lemon is rich in vitamin C which is good for immunity, but lemon has another essential characteristic. Its acidity (pH value) promotes the development of healthy bacteria in the body and protects it from the development of viruses and harmful bacteria.
You can drink freshly squeezed lemon, you can add it to tea, instead of vinegar to a salad, when cooking ... Be creative.

2. Use natural ingredients to boost immunity
We will mention the two most effective. Garlic is the strongest natural antibiotic and it is good to eat garlic at least once a week. Raw garlic is better than cooked, but again, cooking reduces the smell of garlic, which is why many will make it eat cooked. Some people buy garlic pills at the pharmacy, I would still recommend pure garlic from the market.
Another essential natural ingredient for immunity is Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is sometimes described as a miracle herb that cures all diseases. I wouldn't go that far, but I recommend it.
Essential oils also fall into this category and can help strengthen the defense system.

3. Sleep enough
Each of us has different needs for sleep and therefore it is not possible to define how many hours of sleep are ideal. Some people need only sleep for 6 hours on average, and some up to 10 hours. It also depends on your age, your season, your physical activity, and a variety of other facts. You must get a good night's sleep. Good sleep is associated with the secretion of hormones important to our bodies. A good night's sleep will enhance your ability to think, improve your mood, even brighten your skin (that's why it says "beauty sleep"). An insufficient amount of sleep impairs immunity.

4. Drink plenty of water
There is one rule that says:
Most headaches occur because people simply do not drink enough water.
Thirst is not the only sign of water shortage, a headache also signals dehydration. How much water do you need? It is difficult to say exactly because it also depends on various facts, but a minimum of 1.5 liters a day.

5. Reduce your coffee intake
Coffee has some good properties, it is an antioxidant just like chocolate. Still, coffee extracts water and minerals from the body. With coffee, be sure to drink water to make up for it.

6. Reduce your intake of sweets
If you're going to stick to just one piece of advice I offered, let this one be. Eliminate sugar from your diet and you will notice positive changes in your body, you will become more energetic and less sick.
Refined sugar has certain similarities to the drug, the more you consume it, the more you want it. This is how addiction is created.
Sugar enters the bloodstream abruptly, suddenly raising the percentage of sugar which again drops rapidly. This sudden process impairs immunity. Some doctors who are aware of the problem of sugar intake will go so far as to advise you to stop consuming sugar rather than to stop smoking. Do not replace sugar with artificial sweeteners, artificial sweeteners are quite harmful in their way.

7. Consume enough protein
Proteins are the building blocks necessary for a healthy body, for a healthy mind and, of course, for immunity. Diets that prescribe reduced protein intake are usually abundant in carbohydrates.

8. Supply with fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are an important source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and enzymes. If you are unable to eat healthy vitamins, you can make up for it with vitamin supplements. Each fruit has a different chemical composition, and the golden rule is to consume fruits and vegetables of all colors, from white and yellow to dark red and black.

9. Exercise and spend time in the fresh air
Today it is unfortunately normal to spend 90% of your time indoors, home, office, shopping mall ... Fresh air works well for mood and immunity. Moderate exercise, cycling, running, etc. also have a strong effect on immunity.

10. Reduce the percentage of stress in life, treat yourself to the things you love
Spend time with friends, go for a massage, have a hot bath. Mood and health are linked.
Stress is an important impulse that, evolutionarily speaking is responsible for escaping animals when they notice the danger. Nowadays, there is no use of stress in a situation where someone tells you something ugly 😊.
Reduce stress is a 'MUST'. Maybe, for you that will be yoga, meditation, walking, gym ... If you get rid of stress, life will get better and it will have a positive reflection.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Health care - happiness is a state of mind


How to live happily ever after

The million-dollar question: what do we need to know to live happier?

In the Western world, where existential needs are mostly met, the pursuit of happiness is being pursued through various techniques and teachings, beliefs ... But happiness may be much closer and more accessible to us
The pursuit of happiness is nothing new to human beings. Throughout history, it has been studied from the aspects of philosophy, art, religion, psychology…
As an example in psychology, we can mention the psychologist Abraham Maslow, who in the last century created the famous hierarchy of needs. He says, in short, that one first strives to meet basic needs such as the need for food, drink, and safety, and only then can one embark on the path of satisfying the need for happiness and self-fulfillment.
In the Western world, where most people are provided with basic living conditions, the question has been increasingly raised lately - how can I be happier? Books on this subject are becoming bestsellers, and the profession of life coaches is becoming more and more sought after. After all, the rise of scientific research on happiness moves this phenomenon out of abstraction, so happiness is no longer a banal term reserved for Hollywood movies, but the subject of interest of many.

What is happiness?

Most agree that happiness is not just an unbroken series of positive events that cause us to feel euphoric. It is mostly described as a sense of peace that comes partly from positive feelings, but also largely from the way we think.
All this indicates that happiness is a state of mind, more than the pure feeling that occurs as a result of an event outside of us
How do we treat our inner critic? How will we understand life's challenges - as punishment or as an opportunity to show our strength? How will we choose to relate to the success of our friends? These are just some of the many questions that determine the feelings that will arise in us, and ultimately, determine whether we spend our lives in peace.
All this indicates that happiness is a state of mind, more than the pure feeling that arises as a result of an event outside of us. As such, we can work on it, here are some ways.

Exiting the comfort zone

As the word goes, the comfort zone is comfortable. However, research shows that happier people tend to get out of it more often, risking the initial anxiety that accompanies the unknown. Happy people seem to understand intuitively that the point of life is not always to do what we enjoy.
Each growth is accompanied by a phase of discomfort, insecurity, and vulnerability (see only the awkwardness of children when they start to grow rapidly in the pre-pubertal phase). But growth is a natural need for all of us, and usually, the only way to do this is to get out of the comfort zone.

Practicing gratitude

Gratitude for the positive things in life, such as good friends, healthy children, or a partner who supports us, is one of the things that happy people practice regularly. It's not a point to push all the bad things that happen to us under the rug.
The point of gratitude is to realize that there is so much good in our lives. The goal is to understand that by practicing gratitude, or by awakening some positive things in our lives, we can evoke positive emotions in ourselves. This way, we take control of what we think and feel, which is a really good feeling that we all strive for.

Acceptance of "negative" emotions

People who live in peace with themselves realize that life is not going straight. Happy people know that it is full of waves and that emotions serve as a compass to tell if we are going in the right direction or something we need to change. For example, if we constantly feel bad in the presence of a friend, it might be time to rethink that relationship.
Happy people also know that negative emotions like anger and guilt exist for a reason. Anger can allow us to stand up for ourselves, and guilt motivates us to repair and/or change something in ourselves.
Accordingly, the famous writer Tolstoy said long ago that happiness depends not on what happens to us, but on how we choose to look at what is happening to us.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Mental health - Leave the comfort zone

           Release yourself and strengthen your confidence

Fear of the unknown often limits us to take the decisive step and change life situations that make us dissatisfied or unhappy. How to get rid of it?

How many times have we promised ourselves – I will start tomorrow?
Tomorrow I start exercising because I want to lose weight, tomorrow I start working on confidence because I want to speak without fear in meetings, tomorrow I am leaving a toxic relationship that makes me unhappy….

But when tomorrow comes, and somehow we're just not in the mood to take that decisive step. As soon as we take ourselves outside the comfort zone, we are overcome by the fear of the unknown, so we quickly return to the well-known walls of routine and inertia. Sometimes it is easier for us to stay in the zone and be dissatisfied than to leave it and risk any failure.
According to evolutionary psychology, fear of the unknown is one of our fundamental fears - being in the well-known territory in our minds creates a sense of control. It is no wonder that jumping into the unknown seems daunting and unnecessary to us; creating a comfort zone is our natural aspiration. But the natural aspiration is also to leave the zone when we feel that the time has come for growth, development, and progress.

So, how can we dispel prejudices and fears of the unknown?

Stepping out of your comfort zone will boost your confidence

When we step into the unknown, we are forced to discover new parts of ourselves, our resources that we were not even aware of until now. We may find that in the absence of routine forms and automated actions, for example, we are excellent negotiators, organizers, that we learn quickly, or that we are very resourceful. All of this strengthens our confidence and belief that we will be able to cope with other life challenges more easily.

Face the fear in "small steps"
Much of the resistance to the unknown lies in our fear that we will not be able to cope with new circumstances, that we will fail. However, if we base our entire lives on trying to escape from failure and surround ourselves solely with well-known situations - can we ever move forward and reach our potential?
No one says that step outside the comfort zone has to be huge. We can start daily by changing ourselves and our environment a little. If, for example, we want to be able to speak without fear in big business meetings, we do not need to immediately fire ourselves in a meeting with management. We can start by working on our confidence in general, reading the literature on the subject, trying to discuss in less stressful office meetings. It may not be perfect immediately, but that's not the point. Being authentic, expressing yourself and saying something your way is what is most appreciated. And we don't have to be perfect speakers.

What is our goal in getting out of our comfort zone?
Before deciding on any moves, it is a good idea to determine the goal we want to achieve. In this way, we will be able to remind ourselves of our motives, even when fear arises that pulls us back into the familiar. And once we take that first step, we often see that it's not as scary as we imagined.
It was written somewhere that at the end of life, people have more regrets for what they have not done than for what they are. 

Being able to leave the comfort zone is not a gift, an ability innate to a few. It is a skill that can enrich our private and business lives. Therefore, it is worth adopting it as much as possible.