Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Health care - lose weight with daily activities

                            Lose weight with daily activities

 A sedentary lifestyle poses a serious health risk, and we often run out of time to exercise. But life every day provides us with an opportunity for recreation.
Today's hectic lifestyle is ubiquitous. Business, children and their responsibilities, your obligations, your haste, just reading these words causes stress to our body. If we just look at the word hectic, we can conclude that we are constantly on the move. But the absurdity of all this is the fact that although we lead a hectic lifestyle, we have never been less active.
We hop in the cars from the bed, go to the office where we spend most of our time sitting, after work, we may go grocery shopping or take our kids to extracurricular activities, and in the evenings when the family finally gathers, we spend time in front of the television. It is very easy to conclude - our lifestyle is sedentary. And such a lifestyle is a danger, and we need to be aware of the importance of being physically active regularly and what benefits will come from it.

We can do it without a gym

Regular physical activity will regulate blood pressure, strengthen the heart, muscles, and ligaments, improve circulation, reduce the risk of cancer by regulating hormones and scientists have determined that the risk of developing Alzheimer's will be as much as 45% lower in physically active individuals. However, regular physical activity does not have to mean going to the gym or intensive group workouts.
Years ago, I was able to persuade a friend of mine to start training at the gym and when we saw each other again, I asked him how he felt, and he replied: " I had noticeable results after the first workout, my face was red, I couldn't breathe and my legs were shaking for another two hours after training!"
Of course, he wanted to make a joke, but it was clear to me that many of us don’t want to spend even one minute in the gym!
This form of activity may not fit into your schedule and you just don't get there, but that doesn't mean that you can't take small steps to improve your health.

Fun exercises

Squats after sleep 

Do a few squats right after getting out of bed. I suggest three sets of 15 squats each, you will feel lighter even without having your first coffee.

Walking or biking to work

You probably go to work by car or public transport, it is difficult to get a walk on these cold days. The good news is that spring is coming quickly, but also, that a little cold is good for you and your body and will burn more calories to keep you warm. Why not leave your car in the garage at least a few times a week and walk to work, get out a few stops before your destination, and walk a little? We are sure that you will love the feeling and that you may leave your car at home every day. This option, in addition to having a positive effect on your body, also has a positive effect on your wallet. Maybe your classmate is also your neighbor, invite her/him to walk to work in the morning as well, it will be easier for you as a couple. If your lack of time is a problem and you find yourself not getting on time to work, the good news is that there is a solution. It may not be so attractive in winter, but you can always go to work by bike. You will come faster than walking, and the positive is that you can always avoid traffic jams. If the Dutch can go biking, why can't we?

Stairs instead of elevators 

If your responsibilities do not allow you to walk, or go to work by bicycle is not an option for you, you can always choose the stairs instead of lifting. Whether in the building where you live or at work, try to forget that an elevator exists and take the stairs to your destination.

Make a phone call while standing 

Do you make frequent telephone calls during office hours? Why not make important phone calls while standing or walking if your office space allows it? If you are doing an office job, try to get up from your workplace every hour and take a short walk.

Strength training in the store 

Grocery shopping can be a great strength training - fill your bags and walk to your home. I’m aware that a car makes buying much easier, but try to think about the benefits of purchasing without a car and do not look at this as a problem. With this purchase, you will do strength training without visiting the gym.

Housework and weekends 

Housekeeping, such as vacuuming and window washing, is a hassle, but considering that one hour of vacuuming consumes 215 kcal per hour and window washing 330 kcal, we have done training without even being aware of it. The weekend is designed for outdoor activities, so go for walks, bike rides, hiking, bring girl(boy)friends, friends or family. You will spend quality time with them as well as being physically active.

Changes that bring health and happiness

With these small changes that we have listed, you can make big strides and burn 600 extra calories without training at the gym. In addition to the extra calories, a very important benefit of regular physical activity is the fact that your mood will improve due to the release of the hormone's happiness, endorphins, and thus reduce the risk of depression.
Of course, regular physical activity should be accompanied by a healthy diet. Eating quality, healthy foods is much more important than the calorie counts, and this is something we should keep an eye on.



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