Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health care – Walking, the best you can do for your body and mind

                   Walking, the best you can do for your body and mind

Walk! 15 minutes of walking is not a lot, and it will do wonders for your health, body, and brain.

When you are stressed, it may take some time to clear your head, slow down your thoughts, or calm down. A pleasant longer walk may be exactly what the doctor recommended.
This simple activity is propagated as something that is 'most akin to a miracle cure'. Here is a list of benefits that a 15-minute walk a day does for your body.

Reduces the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular problems.

In the 2009 edition of Harvard Men's Health Watch, walking was noted as extremely underrated. To prove this hypothesis, scientists have gone through over 4,200 articles that were published between 1997 and 2007 related to the topic of walking. Eighteen articles they found met the standards and quality of the research. Each study collected data from each of the participants about their walking habits as well as their cardiovascular risk habits, which included age, alcohol consumption, and smoking. The subjects were followed by the experts for 11 years, and cardiovascular changes, as well as death, were recorded during those years. From data collected over 11 years, scientists have found that 2.5 hours of walking a week (21 minutes a day) reduces the risk of cardiovascular problems by 31% and the risk of premature death by 32%.
Going for a walk is the best way to beat stress-induced overeating. When your serotonin levels are higher, you feel less stress causing you to eat less.

The battle against obesity

Every person has genes that stimulate weight gain, according to Harvard Medical School. One of the easiest ways to combat obesity is to try to cut in half those genes that promote weight gain. To determine how this can be done, Harvard scientists observed 32 genes that promote weight gain in a total of 12,000 study participants. They concluded that those study participants who walked for an hour a day were cut into half genes that promote weight gain. Exter University has learned that 15 minutes of walking can help reduce the craving for sugary foods, which play a big role in obesity.

It lowers blood pressure

If you have high blood pressure, comfortable and easy walks may be just what you need. Researchers at Arizona State University would agree. They conducted a study on the relationship between walking and lower blood pressure and found that just 10 minutes of walking a day was effective when it comes to lowering blood pressure. By walking for 15-20 minutes, you increase your chances of lowering your blood pressure even further.

Improves memory

Obviously, exercise is great for the brain because serotonin binds to the brain receptors. But walking can help your memory serve you better, according to a 2011 study in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The study found that participants who walk 40 minutes a week, which can be distributed three to four times a week, can increase hippocampal activity by 2%. Also, another study, presented at the 2014 annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, found that regular rapid walking (may take between 15-20 minutes) could slow down the "aging" of the brain. The respondents participated in the study ranged in age from 60 to 80, which is the population in which dementia begins to develop or is already in its late stages.

Relieves joint pain

Physical therapist Eric Robertson told WebMD that for osteoarthritis (OA), cartilage acts as an absorber, especially in the knees, and can become damaged or worn. He added that you would feel numbness, pain and difficulty in movement. But exercise, especially walking, can help rebuild that joint.

Decrease overeating due to stress

Going for a walk is the best way to beat stress-induced overeating. This is my first-hand experience. In recent years, my stress at work has increased, and as a result has been uncontrolled food intake and weight gain. I started walking and lost 12 pounds in 2 months. When your serotonin levels are higher you feel less stress causing you to eat less because you are not stressed. Whether it's 15 or 20 minutes, walking will raise your serotonin levels.

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