Thursday, December 26, 2019

Health care - Chronic fatigue

                               People health -  Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue is not a normal condition, but a signal that warns the body of an inappropriate lifestyle or impaired functioning. It is not good to ignore this condition.
I think you will agree with me that getting out of bed on a Monday morning, after a calm weekend, is always difficult and tiring.
And I also know people who are nervous since Sunday night, when they think of what awaits them at work the next day. Exhausted, chronically undisturbed and tired, they are cynical talking about colleagues and work tasks, but also about themselves because they feel ineffective and unwell to work. Often, the environment labels them as cranky or lazy, however, it may be a person who is experiencing burnout at work and is seeking help.
Other symptoms may include forgetfulness, anxiety, irritability, nonspecific physical disorders such as palpitations, indigestion, and headaches.

Burnout syndrome at work

Burnout syndrome at work is just one of several causes of chronic fatigue. The workplace is one of the key factors affecting the physical and mental health of the individual, and burnout syndrome is more commonly associated with people-oriented jobs, such as doctors, teachers, police officers, and caregivers.
It should be emphasized that burnout can also develop in family members who care for a severely chronic patient at home. Poor organization at work, impaired interpersonal relationships, timelines, important decisions, shift work can all harm mental health and wellbeing.
Work-related stress occurs when the demands and pressures of the job become greater than the knowledge and skills of the worker so that all this presents a challenge for his ability to adapt. Stress can manifest itself differently: through various forms of addictive behavior (smoking, alcohol, gambling, drugs), irritability, disorders of concentration or decision making, sleep disturbance. Prolonged exposure to stress can cause anxiety or depression, which can be a cause of frequent sickness and decreased productivity.

Sleep is essential for metabolism recovery

Sleep disorders are becoming more common and becoming a growing problem, most often just a symptom of another physical and/or mental illness. Sleep is part of a chronobiological rhythm, the wake-sleep cycle. It can be described as a physiological, periodic and temporary cessation of alertness, when motor activity is reduced and the state of consciousness is altered, with the perception of the external situation significantly reduced.
Sleep has an irreplaceable significance for the recovery of metabolism, the regeneration and growth of cells, and for the renewal of the receptor system. Sleep also achieves stabilization of the memory process.

Chronic fatigue as one of the symptoms

Many somatic conditions may have chronic fatigue on the list of symptoms - anemia of any cause (profuse and irregular periods, bleeding from the digestive system, conditions after surgery, birth), chronic hepatitis (most often viral, but also chronic inflammation liver caused by an immune disorder, alcohol, some other metabolic disorders) even longer-lasting viruses, especially mononucleosis, after which fatigue often persists for long periods.
Unrecognized endocrine glands, most commonly thyroid, among other symptoms, can present with chronic fatigue. Food intolerances, especially celiac disease, which have been receiving more attention lately, can also be a cause.
There are also cardiovascular diseases, disorders of oxygen (oxygen supply), including sleep apnea. The list could be further extended.

Let's conclude - chronic fatigue is not a normal condition, so don't ignore it.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Health care - Grandma's headache medication – natural remedies

                             Grandma's headache medication 

When you get a headache, don't go to the pharmacy right away. Instead, look in the pantry for a natural remedy used by our grandmothers. There are many reasons for a headache, and it often happens that we cannot even find out the true cause ourselves. The most common triggers are fatigue, lack of sleep, poor body and neck posture, stress, vision problems, high blood pressure…
Our grandmothers used several headache relief methods, which you can still try today before taking any analgesics.

Remedy: Take a larger leaf of cabbage, crush it so that it releases the liquid slightly and presses it against the forehead and temples.
Why: Cabbage juice is rich in potassium ions. This oligo element contributes to the normalization of muscle tone and blood vessels, so this very effectively relieves pain.

St. John's wort
Remedy: Pour over a tablespoon of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, allow to stand for 15 minutes and drink slightly throughout the day.
Why: Headache often occurs in unwell people or a bad mood. In this case, the St. John's wort can be effective because it improves mood and contributes to an increase in the overall tone of the organism.
In addition to St. John's wort tea, rosemary tea, and black tea are also good for treating headaches.

Remedy: Grind a few garlic slices and keep the mixture on the temples for 15 minutes.
Why: Garlic blocks exactly the receptors in your skin that trigger headaches. The method helps if the headache is caused by PMS, menopause, or increased irritability.

Warm bath
Remedy: If your head hurts, enjoy a warm bath or at least dip your feet in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
Why: If the headache is due to mental and emotional exertion, then this method will be effective. The so-called tension headache often occurs as a result of anxiety and worry. Relax and calm down, and a warm bath, with the addition of lavender oil, is simply irreplaceable in this case.

Remedy: You can alleviate the headache with a massage. It is enough to massage the nasal bone in the area between the eyes for 10 minutes continuously and lightly, without too much pressure.
Why: Massage leads to a relaxation of the facial muscles, which causes us to lose skin tone, and thus the headache disappears.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Health care - The Best Natural Remedies for the cold

The Best Natural Remedies for the cold

Sore throat, stuffy nose, nasal secretions, fever, can be successfully eliminated by natural foods from the kitchen, according to our grandmothers recipe.
Some of these natural remedies are not very tasty, but they are certainly effective and can help you get back into top shape as soon as possible. The season of colds and viral infections is ahead, so make sure you remember the prescriptions for the remedies below, which you can easily make yourself. If you start using these medicines at the very first signs of the disease, you will greatly alleviate the symptoms and recover faster.

Steam - Lemon and Vitamin C:
With the first symptoms of a cold, increase your intake of Vitamin C to one gram three times a day. Steam over the warm water you put lemon juice in, which acts as a natural antibiotic. You can also inhale the essential oils of eucalyptus, thyme, pine, lemon, and lavender. Put a drop of each oil in a bowl of boiling water to purify the body. Steam with chamomile, mint or basil tea, which also helps the respiratory system.

Garlic against colds:
This natural garlic antibiotic successfully eliminates almost all types of colds. However, keep in mind that garlic loses its healing properties by cooking, so it is best to eat it raw during the cold. It is best to put 1-2 slices of finely chopped garlic in one-third of a glass of water and drink at a time.

Propolis and honey as a cough medicine:
Propolis contains a rich blend of Vitamin B and minerals which makes it an excellent cough medicine. A teaspoon of honey before bedtime can also calm the cough. You can also add chopped garlic to the honey.
Lemon and honey for sore throat:
A warm blend of lemon and honey is an effective remedy for the sore and red throat. You can also rinse your throat with boiled saltwater, which should rinse your throat several times throughout the day.

Russian drink made from horseradish:
With this drink, your throat will be less red and sore. In a glass of warm water, add one tablespoon of grated fresh horseradish, one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of ground cloves. Stir everything well and drink slowly throughout the day.

Warm spicy baths:
In the initial phase, you can eliminate the cold by sweating because fever kills germs. Add medicinal herbs to the bath and a mixture of strong spices that will improve circulation. Put the ginger, bell pepper and clove powder in warm water with a teaspoon of honey. You can also dip your feet in a mustard bath. Put some powdered mustard in a bowl of warm water, add baking soda and soak your feet.

Apple cider vinegar against headache:
You should start drinking apple cider vinegar as soon as you notice the first symptoms of a cold. Adding just one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water will clear the body and relieve sore throat and headache.

Wash of the sinus with salt water:
A clogged nose is a very unpleasant occurrence during colds and flu, and you can rinse your sinuses with saline drops that you can easily make on your own. In one 200 ml of warm water, add one-quarter of a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda. This way you will eliminate swelling and shortness of breath and it is advisable to repeat this procedure up to four times a day during the cold.

Rinsing the throat with sage:
Even many doctors recommend sage tea to fight a sore throat. Put one to two teaspoons of dried sage leaves in a cup of boiling water. Allow it to rest for about ten minutes, then rinse your throat several times a day with the resulting tea. This type of treatment is not recommended for children under two years of age.
Sweet root or licorice tea:
This tea soothes an irritated throat and suppresses cough, and contains the active substance glycyrrhizin, which is 50 times sweeter than sugar and has many medicinal effects. However, take care to consume it in moderation as it can increase blood pressure. To prepare the tea, pour half a teaspoon of dried licorice root with 1.5 dl boiling water. Allow the tea to stand in the lid for 5 minutes, then strain and drink. Drink a maximum of three cups a day for up to a month.

Lemon, honey, and ginger:
These three foods are extremely medicinal, and with their combination, you can successfully eliminate the symptoms of colds and flu. In a slightly larger jar, scrub the ginger root you previously cleaned, the two lemons you cut into slices, and pour everything with organic honey. It is best to consume this mixture at bedtime.

Honey and cinnamon against colds:
When it comes to colds, this combination will help strengthen your immunity, as with chronic cough and fatigue, and will also successfully clear your sinuses. In 1 dl of warm water, add a tablespoon of honey and two teaspoons of cinnamon powder. Stir until the honey has dissolved. Drink twice a day, preferably three days in a row. If you like, you can mix only honey and cinnamon, without water.

Wine as a cure:
Heat 100 ml of red wine, add 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper and 1 tablespoon honey. Stir and drink warm at bedtime.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Mental health care - the healing power of the mind

                 People health - the healing power of the mind

Research has increasingly shown that there is a strong correlation between a positive attitude and the immune system.
Scientists have firmly proven that the brain and immune system interact with each other like other systems in the body. There are hundreds of powerful biochemical compounds that carry messages in both directions.
Imagine the following situation: You calmed down for a moment to enjoy the sun's rays that caress your face. Your loved one is sitting next to you, holding hands and feeling peace and serenity. Those are happy moments! However, scientists today believe that the positive moods that create such moments can have a positive effect on health.
A health field called psychoneuroimmunology reveals a link between the brain and the immune, defense system. Studies have shown that socially active people and those who are married live longer than less active, separated, divorced, as well as those who are not married. People living in a happy marriage have also been found to have a stronger immune system. Contacts with other people and various social activities seem to contribute to health and longevity.
Our immune system is in constant contact with many microorganisms and substances that we bring into the body - it responds to substances that harm us while tolerating beneficial substances. But in some situations, especially with children, oral tolerance for certain foods has not been established. Discover how!
Sharing your feelings with others can be helpful, that is, it can have both physical and psychological benefits for the confessor who opens up.
Optimism is a powerful health factor. Research has shown that those who were the most pessimistic in their 20s were more likely to have the disease with severe illnesses of 40, 50 and 60 years. Maybe pessimists become passive when dealing with the disease and do not care enough about themselves.
An optimistic attitude has its value in combating disease. Studies of women with advanced-stage breast cancer have shown that the longest survivors of therapy survived, of course, those who no longer had symptoms of the disease, but at the same time maintained a high level of joy and satisfaction.

Love protects you from the cold

Even in cases of significantly less serious illnesses such as the common cold, there is a certain link between illness and psychological factors. One study found that pessimists were more likely to contract the cold than others. Interestingly, even the sense of love, or more precisely the experience of loving feelings, in some people has resulted in increased secretion of immunoglobulin A in saliva, a chemical compound that protects against respiratory infections.
Scientists have firmly proven that the brain and immune system interact with each other like other systems in the body. There are hundreds of powerful biochemical compounds that carry messages in both directions. Many of these compounds are known to have a strong effect on moods and emotions and, through their molecular composition, make it possible to understand the connection (which has long been assumed to exist) between mental state and state of health.
Today, monocytes - immune cells that help wound healing, tissue repair and bacterial destruction - are known to be sensitive to neuropeptides, chemical compounds that are created in the brain. Surprisingly, a particularly high concentration of neuropeptide-secreting cells is found in the parts of the brain that control emotions.

Relaxation, motivation, and hope

One of the experimental programs conducted at The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute showed interesting results. Program leaders focused on cancer patients whose disease was in the withdrawal phase. Given that there is a high risk that cancer will recur, the goal of the program was to try to increase the resilience of patients with psychological training. Patients underwent a two-month program of relaxation exercises and non-accepting defeat training to fight the disease.
The goal was to teach patients how to deal with the disease and make them more optimistic. Scientists have found that in those patients who were enrolled in the program, natural killer cells (which protect the body from tumor growth) were more active than in those patients who received only standard medical care.

What can we learn from those who discover the values ​​of positive thoughts?

Hope and an optimistic attitude can improve the quality of our lives. The challenge for scientists is to determine whether hope can affect the immune system. Careful, systematic research to figure out the link between psychological factors and immune function may require years of scientific work, but the benefits will be extremely large.
I'm sure scientists will come up with solid evidence very soon to prove the connection between a positive attitude and the condition of the immune system, and until then, I'll still be glad to listen to that old good song from Bobby Mc Ferrin “Don't Worry, Be Happy “😊

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Health care - Natural painkillers

                      People health - Natural painkillers

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)- southern blue gum
Eucalyptus oil is a herbal analgesic, used externally to relieve pain in rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, neuralgia. Also, it is a great inhalant and also repels insects
(flies, mosquitoes, ants ...)

Fragrant fern (Dryopteris fragrans)
In traditional medicine, the fragrant fern is widely used, and among other things, it is known to act as an analgesic, it is also useful as a means of relieving stress and treating various neurological disorders.

Sweet flag or calamus (Acorus calamus)
Another herb with analgesic activity. It is used as a medicine for joint pain in rheumatism and arthritis. The medicinal part of the plant is a root that otherwise has a wide range of medical effects. When used for joint pain, it is applied externally and applied directly to painful areas. For this purpose, a caste mass or oil is made from the roots of the plant. It should be noted that the sweet flag also has a sedative effect, so it should not be administered orally on your own, as it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage.

White willow (Salix alba)
This herb is one of the most powerful natural painkillers. It is known for its high content of salicin found in the bark of the tree (a natural substance that very effectively relieves the pain of various origins).

Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium)
It is also called bitter wormwood - a herb that has analgesic effects when it comes to stomach pain, colon inflammation, sprains and bruising.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
This is one of the most famous plants in my area. Tame, beneficial and harmless. When used reasonably, it is completely safe, even for babies. Therefore, chamomile tea is one of the first teas to be given to babies to relieve stomach cramps. In adults, it also relieves abdominal pain, headache, and migraines, and women are a welcome natural remedy for menstrual pain.

Arnica montana also known as wolf's bane, leopard's bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica
Arnica wraps are used externally for wound dressing, as well as for relieving pain in wounded areas, as well as for muscle and tendon pain.

If you are still unhappy or distrustful of the above herbal pain medicines, you can opt for another alternative medicine, acupuncture. It is scientifically proven that this method of treatment convincingly produces the best results just when it comes to eliminating pain, various causes, and origins. Another benefit of acupuncture is that the effect of the treatment lasts longer than the analgesic action of the chemical substances. Recent research in the United States has produced remarkable results. Specifically, after 6 months of acupuncture with regular treatments 2 times a week, patients with rheumatoid arthritis had reduced knee pain by 40%. And to keep up with the result, they only needed one treatment a month. According to the statistics so far, 5 to 8 treatments are usually needed to eliminate acute pain; and for chronic pain, 8 to 15 treatments bring relief.