Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Health care - Grandma's headache medication – natural remedies

                             Grandma's headache medication 

When you get a headache, don't go to the pharmacy right away. Instead, look in the pantry for a natural remedy used by our grandmothers. There are many reasons for a headache, and it often happens that we cannot even find out the true cause ourselves. The most common triggers are fatigue, lack of sleep, poor body and neck posture, stress, vision problems, high blood pressure…
Our grandmothers used several headache relief methods, which you can still try today before taking any analgesics.

Remedy: Take a larger leaf of cabbage, crush it so that it releases the liquid slightly and presses it against the forehead and temples.
Why: Cabbage juice is rich in potassium ions. This oligo element contributes to the normalization of muscle tone and blood vessels, so this very effectively relieves pain.

St. John's wort
Remedy: Pour over a tablespoon of St. John's wort with a glass of boiling water, allow to stand for 15 minutes and drink slightly throughout the day.
Why: Headache often occurs in unwell people or a bad mood. In this case, the St. John's wort can be effective because it improves mood and contributes to an increase in the overall tone of the organism.
In addition to St. John's wort tea, rosemary tea, and black tea are also good for treating headaches.

Remedy: Grind a few garlic slices and keep the mixture on the temples for 15 minutes.
Why: Garlic blocks exactly the receptors in your skin that trigger headaches. The method helps if the headache is caused by PMS, menopause, or increased irritability.

Warm bath
Remedy: If your head hurts, enjoy a warm bath or at least dip your feet in hot water for 10-15 minutes.
Why: If the headache is due to mental and emotional exertion, then this method will be effective. The so-called tension headache often occurs as a result of anxiety and worry. Relax and calm down, and a warm bath, with the addition of lavender oil, is simply irreplaceable in this case.

Remedy: You can alleviate the headache with a massage. It is enough to massage the nasal bone in the area between the eyes for 10 minutes continuously and lightly, without too much pressure.
Why: Massage leads to a relaxation of the facial muscles, which causes us to lose skin tone, and thus the headache disappears.

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