Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Health care - Natural painkillers

                      People health - Natural painkillers

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus)- southern blue gum
Eucalyptus oil is a herbal analgesic, used externally to relieve pain in rheumatism, arthritis, lumbago, neuralgia. Also, it is a great inhalant and also repels insects
(flies, mosquitoes, ants ...)

Fragrant fern (Dryopteris fragrans)
In traditional medicine, the fragrant fern is widely used, and among other things, it is known to act as an analgesic, it is also useful as a means of relieving stress and treating various neurological disorders.

Sweet flag or calamus (Acorus calamus)
Another herb with analgesic activity. It is used as a medicine for joint pain in rheumatism and arthritis. The medicinal part of the plant is a root that otherwise has a wide range of medical effects. When used for joint pain, it is applied externally and applied directly to painful areas. For this purpose, a caste mass or oil is made from the roots of the plant. It should be noted that the sweet flag also has a sedative effect, so it should not be administered orally on your own, as it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage.

White willow (Salix alba)
This herb is one of the most powerful natural painkillers. It is known for its high content of salicin found in the bark of the tree (a natural substance that very effectively relieves the pain of various origins).

Absinthe (Artemisia absinthium)
It is also called bitter wormwood - a herb that has analgesic effects when it comes to stomach pain, colon inflammation, sprains and bruising.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
This is one of the most famous plants in my area. Tame, beneficial and harmless. When used reasonably, it is completely safe, even for babies. Therefore, chamomile tea is one of the first teas to be given to babies to relieve stomach cramps. In adults, it also relieves abdominal pain, headache, and migraines, and women are a welcome natural remedy for menstrual pain.

Arnica montana also known as wolf's bane, leopard's bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica
Arnica wraps are used externally for wound dressing, as well as for relieving pain in wounded areas, as well as for muscle and tendon pain.

If you are still unhappy or distrustful of the above herbal pain medicines, you can opt for another alternative medicine, acupuncture. It is scientifically proven that this method of treatment convincingly produces the best results just when it comes to eliminating pain, various causes, and origins. Another benefit of acupuncture is that the effect of the treatment lasts longer than the analgesic action of the chemical substances. Recent research in the United States has produced remarkable results. Specifically, after 6 months of acupuncture with regular treatments 2 times a week, patients with rheumatoid arthritis had reduced knee pain by 40%. And to keep up with the result, they only needed one treatment a month. According to the statistics so far, 5 to 8 treatments are usually needed to eliminate acute pain; and for chronic pain, 8 to 15 treatments bring relief.

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