Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Health care - honey for immunity

                             HONEY FOR IMMUNITY

Strengthening immunity is not something that should only be addressed during the winter. Each season has a different effect on the body, so you must constantly work on your immune system.
Follow the tips, change habits, change your diet. As one of the most important changes, do not forget the intake of completely natural and healthy foods - honey.
Pure and unprocessed honey is nature's most valuable treasure and has been used in medicine for centuries.
In addition to being very tasty and long-lasting, it is also a healthier substitute for white sugar and artificial sweeteners.
It is effective in combating coughs, accelerates wound healing and improves skin and hair quality.
Also, raw honey contains probiotics that boost your immune system.

How does honey boost immunity?

Earlier research has shown that this ability of honey comes from the flower nectar contained in its contents. Along with this, the presence of the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus kunkeei was also detected.
Experts have released this bacterium to act on cells through experiments. As a result, the cells were found to have improved resistance to external influences thanks to this bacterium.
The number of white and red blood cells have increased dramatically, and it is these that fight the harmful effects of various viruses and bacteria on the body.

Choose raw honey for strong immunity

The raw honey is extracted directly from the honeycomb, cleaned of impurities and contains pollen and propolis. It is neither filtered nor pasteurized. There are no artificial accessories. It is characterized by high density.
Industrial honey, on the other hand, undergoes a chemical process that destroys the most important elements in its composition. Thus, the natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals that are important for maintaining immunity disappear. Filtration removes pollen and propolis.
Eventually, a rare syrup-like mass is obtained. It is pasteurized and additives are often added.
So be careful where you get honey for yourself.
Instead of looking for shelves, look for an experienced beekeeper and a trusted person to buy honey for your family.

Nutritional values ​​of honey

Honey is great for immunity, it is one of the purest natural foods and much more than an artificial sweetener.
It is a functional food, which means it has a positive effect on human health. The composition is pretty impressive.
Raw honey contains 22 amino acids, 27 minerals, and 5,000 enzymes.
Minerals include iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. The vitamins found in honey are B6, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin.
All this helps in the early detection of free radicals and their rapid ejection from the body.
One tablespoon of honey contains 64kcal., 17.3g of sugar and 0g of fat, volcanic and protein.
The physical composition and hue depending on the flora used by the bees to create honey, but also the presence of water.
18% of real raw honey is water, but this percentage may be lower.
The less water there is in honey, the better it is.

How much honey to consume on a daily basis?

Ideally, you can take up to 10 teaspoons of honey a day. Look to spread it evenly throughout the day, taking it in its pure form, as a sweetener or as part of a medicinal mixture.
For children, do not administer honey to a child under one year of age to avoid the formation of a deadly toxin in the digestive tract.
Children over one year of age is free to use it as adults.
Proper consumption of honey
It is best to take honey in the morning before breakfast. After that, you should not eat or drink anything for 20 minutes. When you consume honey this way, it is most effective.
One tablespoon of honey is taken and kept in the mouth until melted. Use a wooden or plastic spoon.
It can be dissolved in a hot beverage such as tea or milk and also mixed with other healthy foods.

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