Monday, February 10, 2020

Health care - Keep your heart in shape

Keep your heart in shape - otherwise, it will become a 
                                 time bomb

A healthy lifestyle best reduces the risk of heart disease, which is a leading cause of mortality in the US and worldwide. This seems to be common knowledge, and yet many do not take this into account.
Many people do not feel anxious to suspect that something is wrong with their heart. Most people at risk of cardiovascular disease already have obvious warning signs, but they still do not take it seriously because nothing “hurts” them.
However, even in young and middle-aged people, findings on systematic examination are often devastating. Overweight, poor fitness due to sedentary lifestyle, smoking, high blood pressure and fat, and often high blood sugar that has already grown into diabetes without the person even aware of it.
Such a person is a “time bomb” who needs to be treated as soon as possible, first and foremost by changing their daily habits.

Extend your life by daily movement
In addition to improving fitness and facilitating weight loss, exercise contributes to the balance of blood pressure, fat and blood sugar and reduces stress. It is scientifically proven that if we move and exercise daily, life can be extended by at least three years.
• The recommended daily minimum of physical activity is 30 minutes, and the best would be 60 minutes, whichever is convenient for you: walking, running, cycling, working in the garden… Exactly such aerobic activities that are triggered by large muscle groups are most beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
• Make at least 5,000 steps each day, and 10,000 steps optimally. You can install the step counting app on your mobile.
• "I don't have time" is your favorite excuse to delay your workout? Ride your room bike watching your favorite TV show. In this way, you will also spend more time rationally, and any boredom and training effort will compensate for the interesting content you are following.

Charge your batteries with sleep
Sleep regularly - seven to eight hours is recommended. During the night, the heart and circulatory system "calm down", but also receive much-needed energy, because at night the body is intensively renewed.

Lose weight sensibly and gradually
If your doctor advised you to lose weight, the goal is not to lose weight quickly that "shock" the body, but to gradually reduce it by 1 to 3 pounds a month, with permanent adoption of a proper diet after losing weight.

Easily create healthy meals
It's easier to create healthy meals by splitting the plate in half. Put the vegetables as you like on one half - fresh, cooked or fat-free in the oven, on a pan or grill. Do not fry vegetables, mix it with butter, eggs, cream and the like. Season it with a little cold-pressed oil if desired.
Divide the another half of the plate in half. Put a protein-rich food item in one quarter, e.g. fish (preferably sea bluefish, and certainly white), lean meat, lean cheese, and soy or tofu.
Put foods containing complex carbohydrates on the remaining quarter of the plate, e.g. a slice of whole-grain bread, barley porridge, puree spirits, cooked potatoes (best in a shell), integral rice, millet, rice and the like, or integral pasta.

Medication is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle
If your doctor prescribes medication, take it regularly, but be sure to think of a healthy lifestyle as well, because medicines cannot replace it.
Unfortunately, even after a heart attack and heart surgery, patients often continue with harmful habits such as smoking and poor nutrition, counting on the effect of the medication - but they may not be effective if you continue as usual. If you want to recover, you should also follow the recommended lifestyle with therapy.

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